Fast Food: Smoothie King

If you’ve been following me on Instagram for some time, you know I’ve been sharing my favorite Fast Food orders with those that follow me, but I didn’t want to leave you out!

Let’s start off with Smoothie King!

If you haven't already, you can save the information on Instagram, here, for easy reference!

Smoothies can be a great on-the-go meal for a lot of people. In fact, several of my clients do smoothies in order to get their greens and fruit allotment in for the day.

Smoothie King has some great options, but when researching for this post I was shocked how many were marketed as "lean" or "Slim-N-Trim" that had close to 100 carbs in one 20 ounce drink! For most of my clients, this would take up a huge chunk of their daily carb allotment.

Just because a food item has lower calories, does not mean it's the better option.

A smoothie with as many carbs as that fourth option has with little-to-no protein will leave you super hungry shortly after consuming, which could lead to over-consuming calories for the day.

This is a big reason why my clients do not count calories, but they learn the value of food and how it helps them reach their goals.

This is just a warning to always look at the nutrition labels to see where the calories are coming from and not be influenced by what marketing catch words are being used.😏

Did you find this helpful? I would love to hear from you.

Until next time!